Have you been thinking about going back to school? Through Career Online High School’s online, accredited program, adults can earn a high school diploma and a career certificate, free with your Sonoma County Library card!
Finish high school and receive job training in an online environment that’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are a limited number of scholarships available to qualified adults who are looking to advance their careers, prepare for workforce entry, or continue their education. Find out more here.
Thank you for being a member of the Sonoma County Library community. Visit us online or in person at one of our branches. Be sure to check out open jobs at Sonoma County Library here.
Proyectos comunitarios con la Biblioteca del Condado de Sonoma
¡Celebre la comunidad con su biblioteca durante esta temporada de fiestas! Dependemos de nuestra comunidad ahora más que nunca, y estamos ofreciendo varios proyectos comunitarios en nuestras sucursales.
¿Le interesa? ¡Descubra abajo cómo puede involucrarse!
Gracias por ser miembro de la comunidad de Bibliotecas del Condado de Sonoma. Visítenos en línea o en persona en una de nuestras sucursales. Asegúrese de consultar los trabajos disponible en la Biblioteca del Condado de Sonoma aquí.
¿Preguntas? Por favor llame a su biblioteca local o haga clic para mandar un mensaje.
If you would like to manage which emails you receive from us, please click here.
Si desea gestionar los correos electrónicos que recibe de nosotros, haga clic aquí.
An Invitation to Join our Youth Leadership TeamUna invitación para unirse a nuestro equipo de liderazgo juvenil Click on the picture below and check out our Interview of past Youth Leaders and listen to what they have to say about their experience!!!
¡Haga clic en la imagen a continuación y vea nuestra entrevista de líderes juveniles anteriores y escuche lo que tienen que decir sobre su experiencia!
The YLT is a team of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) youth that create events and advocate for change in partnership with LGBTQ Connection.
El YLT es un equipo de jóvenes LGBTQ (lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y queer) que crean eventos y abogan por el cambio en asociación con LGBTQ Connection.
Interested?¿Interesado?Youth who are interested can click on the link below and fill out the form.
Los jóvenes que estén interesados pueden hacer clic en el enlace a continuación y completar el formulario.
BenefitsBeneficiosLearn skills in advocacy and activism. Make friends you can rely on, earn community service hours, and explore scholarship opportunities!
Aprende habilidades en defensa y activismo. ¡Haga amigos en los que pueda confiar, gane horas de servicio comunitario y explore oportunidades de becas!
Upcoming eventsSonoma County Library is hosting a QUEER BOOK CLUB for ages 18+. If you’re interested in signing up call your local library or click on the link here:
La biblioteca del condado de Sonoma está organizando un QUEER BOOK CLUB para mayores de 18 años. Si está interesado en inscribirse, llame a su biblioteca local o haga clic en el enlace aquí:
The Sonoma County Library offers programming for all ages. Join us for virtual events throughout the month of January, from bilingual storytimes to book clubs! All events are free and you don’t need a library card to attend, however registration is required. Explore a selection of January events below!
Kids & Families
sHelp get your child ready to read with bilingual family storytime on Wednesday, January 5, at 10:30 am! Join a children’s librarian and model the everyday practices of talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing with books, fingerplays, rhymes, and songs. For families and caregivers with children, ages 0-6.Listen to librarians read to you with Dial-a-Story! Call (707) 755-2050 to listen to a recording of children’s librarians reading storybooks. New stories available each Wednesday. Stories are available in English and Spanish and geared towards preschool age children. Tweens/Teens Are you an amateur filmmaker? All Sonoma County teens ages 12 to 19 are invited to compete in our second annual Teen Film Festival! Take some time over the winter break to shoot and edit your own 6-minute masterpiece. A jury will review all submitted entries and select films screened at the festival. Prizes will be awarded for the top films. Accepting submissions now through Tuesday, February 1.
Adults Join us online for our new monthly Queer Book Club! The club offers readers the opportunity to meet virtually with librarians and discuss books centering on LGBTQ+ voices. Our first meeting is on Wednesday, January 12, at 6:00 pm and the book is Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe. Discussions are held on the second Wednesday of each month. Check out through Hoopla (eBook) or through the library catalog. Find out more here.
It’s winter and weather can be challenging. Join us on Saturday, January 22, from 11:00 am-12:00 pm and learn how to be ready for whatever comes your way this winter. Sonoma County Emergency Management, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, and California Highway Patrol will present on winter risks and how to stay informed.All AgesDon’t forget to join our Winter Reading Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a Sonoma County Regional Parks Pass! Add a little fun to your winter and complete 10 out of 15 tasks to enter. You have until January 31 to complete the challenge. The raffle winner will be notified on Tuesday, February 1!
Book Clubs
Love book clubs? We’ve got you covered! Check out the calendar for virtual and in-person clubs, or click here for a list of all Sonoma County Library book clubs.This month’s Read BIPOC Book Club is on Tuesday, January 25, at 6:00 pm and the book is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. Borrow the eBook or eAudiobook. Physical copies available (while supplies last) at Cloverdale Regional Library. Call 707-894-5271 to have a copy held for you, either at Cloverdale or sent to your local library for pickup.Looking for more? Explore the full calendar! Explore the Calendar
Thank you for being a member of the Sonoma County Library community. Visit us online or in person at one of our branches. Be sure to check out open jobs at Sonoma County Library here.
Eventos virtuales de enero La Biblioteca del Condado de Sonoma brinda eventos para todas edades. ¡Únase a nosotros para eventos virtuales todo el mes de enero, desde horas de cuento bilingües hasta clubes de lectura! Todos los eventos son gratis y no necesita una tarjeta de biblioteca para asistir, pero sí es necesario registrarse. ¡Explore los eventos de enero a continuación!
Niños y familias¡Ayude a prepararle a su hijo a leer con la hora de cuento bilingüe para familias el miércoles, 5 de enero a las 10:30am! Acompañe a una bibliotecaria de niños para modelar las prácticas diarias de conversación, canto, lectura, escritura, y juego con libros, rimas, canciones, y movimiento. Para familias y cuidadores con niños de 0 a 6 años.¡Escuche un cuento leído por una bibliotecaria con Telecuentos! Llame al (707) 755-2050 para escuchar un cuento. Presentamos nuevos cuentos cada miércoles. Marque 2 para el cuento en español y 1 para el cuento en inglés. Los cuentos son para niños preescolares en adelante. Adolescentes y jóvenes¿Eres un cineasta aficionado? ¡Todos los adolescentes de 12 a 19 años en el condado de Sonoma están invitados a competir en el segundo festival de cine para adolescentes! Toma tiempo durante las vacaciones de invierno para grabar y editar tu propia mini película de maravilla de 6 minutos. Un jurado revisará las entregas y seleccionará las películas que estarán estrenadas en el festival. Los premios se estarán otorgados a las mejores películas.
Obras aceptadas AHORA hasta el 1 de febrero. Adultos
Sunday January 9, 2022 @ 3 pm. ‘Words and Music’, featuring Laurie Lewis, Don Henry, and Claudia Russell with Nina Gerber at Occidental Center for the Arts. Join us for an afternoon of outstanding music when three celebrated, award-winning singer-songwriters return to our stage to trade songs in a Nashville-style song circle, accompanied by virtuoso guitarist Nina Gerber. Don’t miss this special collaboration of talent at our acoustic sweet spot! $30 General/$25 OCA Members. www.occidentalcenterforthearts.org. Please be masked and bring proof of Covid vaccine/ID. Fine refreshments available, Art Gallery open. OCA is accessible to people with disabilities. Become an OCA Member and get discounts/free admission. Occidental Center for the Arts – 3850 Doris Murphy Ct. Occidental, CA. 95465.
The Spahr Center is raising money to purchase chest binders for queer and trans youth in Marin County. On average, 60% of trans and nonbinary youth in Marin County experience bullying based on their gender presentation and/or gender identity. Now that youth program staff has been able safely return to providing services to young people in school and in person, we have seen an increased need for access to gender affirming supplies. In particular, many trans and nonbinary youth who lack family support have asked for help buying chest binders. The Youth Program team wants to provide support to these young people by expanding our gender affirming services with a reserve of funds for purchasing chest binders. We need your help to make this new program a success! Could you donate $40 to purchase a binder for trans youth in Marin?
What is a chest binder? Chest binders are undergarments that help reduce the physical appearance of someone’s breasts. They are a critical tool for reducing gender dysphoria by creating the appearance of a flatter chest. When a youth receives gender affirming services, such as mental health therapy or hormone treatments, they can also use chest binders to create physical congruence with their gender identity. The image to the left is an example of a binder from the company GC2B. Each person needs a binder specifically sized for their own bodies. When a youth requests assistance acquiring a binder, we will purchase one and send it to their house or coordinate a pick-up. We’re ordering binders from GC2B, a trans-owned company dedicated to providing affordable, accessible, and comfortable chest binders to queer youth and adults. You can check out their website here: https://www.gc2b.co/pages/about-us Could you make a donation to help us purchase binders for the trans youth in Marin who need them? Each binder costs $40 and we hope to raise enough money to meet the current need of requests as well as have enough money to support young people in the future. Simply click the link below to donate! Sincerely, The Youth Program Team Nick Azevedo, Sam Wood, Ari Sifuentes, and Fel Agrelius
Santa Rosa has put up a beautiful, temporary, synthetic ice skating rink in Courthouse Square, in the heart of Downtown Santa Rosa! Sonoma County Pride will be hosting the ice skating rink on 4 days in December, and will receive the proceeds of our sessions! We need volunteers for 4.5 hours shifts to perform tasks such as checking in ticket holders, monitoring the rink for safety, providing skate rentals to skaters, sharpening and sanitizing the skates, and HELPING SPREAD GOOD CHEER.
What a great opportunity to help Sonoma County Pride and have a Beyond the Rainbow experience in Downtown Santa Rosa! We will be hosting the following dates / times:Dec 17: 3-7pmDec 18: 11am-7pmDec 24: 11am-3pmDec 26: 11am-7pm
VOLUNTEER CRITERIA: *Volunteers must be 14 or older. *All volunteers must be fully vaccinated. *Volunteers will be required to complete a waiver.*Have a friendly positive attitude while working with the public.*Enjoy a fun, festive, fast-paced-at-times day outside! Please click on the link below to see what dates and times are available, and to sign up for a shift. https://sonomacountypride1.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=59395