Give Back Tuesday @ Rainbow Cattle Company Tuesday Night
Rainbow Cattle Company, 16220 Main St, Guerneville, CA 95446, USA Giveback Tuesdays. Each week a local charity will be choosen. 10% of the sales for that Tuesday will be donated to the charity directly by us. The more the community supports the Rainbow on a given Tuesday, the more the charity will get. If you want to nominate a local charity for consideration for a Giveback Tuesday, email us. This has turned out to be such a wonderful event, and a number of very deserving charities have received money. Since it’s start in late November of 2005, over $115,000 has been given to the local charities from the Rainbow directly. This does not include all of the money raised by the actual charities during events on each and every Tuesday. It’s impossible for us to say exactly how much money was raised in total, but it’s safe to say it’s in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. We are very pleased with how the community has pulled together to make this an amazing weekly event, and so much good has come from all of the donations and money raised.