What Matters Most: An in-depth Advance Directive for Healthcare workshop for OUR LGBT Community Happens Jan 15 & Feb. 15 in Sebastopol
What Matters Most: An in-depth Advance Directive for Healthcare workshop for OUR LGBT Community
Session 1: Wed, Jan 15 | 3:00pm – 5:00pm*
Session 2: Wed, Feb 5 | 3:00pm – 5:00pm*
FREE *MUST attend BOTH sessions This series is offered at no charge to you thanks to generous donors. Advanced registration is required.
-Ensure your wishes are clear and your voice is heard, no matter what-
Join Redwing Keyssar, RN, Author, Director of Patient and Caregiver Education at the UCSF MERI Center for Education in Palliative Care Redwing Keyssar, a member of the LGBT community, has been leading people through the process of creating meaningful Advance Directives for Healthcare for the past 30 years. In this 2-part workshop geared towards the needs of the LGBT community, we will: Create a personalized plan to honor your wishes for how you want to be treated in a hospital setting Discuss the realities and options for when we have a serious illness or medical emergency Understand the differences between all the names and types of documents: Advance Directives; Power of Attorney for Healthcare, Living Wills, etc. Discuss the different ideas/concepts about “Life Support” and “quality of life”.
Sign up HERE online, or by calling our front desk at 707-829-2440