Guerneville Pride Happens October 13 – 15

Sunday 10/15 at 12 PM
11:30 AM Assemble: Church Street and First. Staging will be down Church Street and into Johnson’s Beach Parking Lot.
12 PM Parade Start: Main Street from Mill Street to Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville
Parade Details: Mid-October is usually sunny and mild, with a small chance of rain, but the show will go on rain or shine. 🙂 Our MC will be the fabulous Robert Gray. Russian River Pride 2023 benefits Guerneville Library, Food for Thought, Watch Duty Wildfire Alert System, Guerneville Youth Center, and Russian River Alliance. We welcome your generous donations.
Sunday 10/15 at 1 – 5 PM
What: Afternoon party with music, food, and beverages plus MCs Juanita MORE! and DJ Lady Ryan. With performances by Mr. David Glamamore, Miss Rahni NothingMore, Dulce De Leche, Nicki Jazz, Vera!
Where: Johnson’s Beach Parking Lot
Details: All ages, no entrance fee, donations appreciated. No outside alcoholic beverages are permitted.