Gay Man Elected To Lead Greek Opposition Party
Bloomberg News reports:
Members of Greece’s leftist Syriza party elected Stefanos Kasselakis to head the country’s second-largest political party after the resignation of former leader Alexis Tsipras in June following a free fall in support for his party in two general elections earlier this year. Syriza’s new president also becomes the first openly-gay person to lead a Greek political party and has campaigned with his partner, Tyler McBeth, a 32-year-old American nurse.
“I don’t have a gay agenda. I have a human agenda,” Kasselakis said in a statement in August to announce his candidacy. Kasselakis has positioned himself as a self-made man who wants social equality, the separation of church and state and the abolition of compulsory military service. While still a student, he worked as a volunteer on the staff of then-Senator Joe Biden during the 2008 presidential campaign.
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