Happening This Month at Marin’s The Spahr Center
PRIDE APPROACHES!Get ready for an event-packed month ahead.We have flags-raising, an LGBT+ Veteran’s meeting, an art show and reception for the LGBT+ artists, a book reading by one of our own, and much more! |
Welcome Joe Tuohy! Join us to celebrate our new Executive Director at a lovely evening at Falkirk Cultural Center 1408 Mission, San Rafael June 14, 5:30 to 7 pm Also, Joe is looking forward to getting to know you, members of our LGBT+ senior community. He will join us on the Second Tuesday at the Mgt. Todd Senior Center on June 13, 12:30 to 2 pm, to talk to us about his vision for The Spahr Center and hear from the community about our lives, our needs and concerns. I encourage you to come out and meet him! More info below. |
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Pride Not Prejudice The Sausalito Center for the Arts is hosting an exhibition of art by 28 LGBTQIA+ artists including our own Bill Otton. The exhibit runs from June 9th to July 2nd, Wednesdays through Sundays, 11 am to 5 pm and is free, though donations are suggested to support this new space. Cleverly titled Pride Not Prejudice, the showcase will expose tourists from all over the world (and middle America!) to our creativity and humanity. More information here. There is an artists’ reception on June 9, 6 to 8 pm; tickets for the reception are required and can be secured for donation through a link to the exhibition website here. The exhibit includes the showing of Homosocial, a collection of vintage photographs of same-gendered couples displaying intimacy. |
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UPCOMING EVENTSall events are free June 1Novato’s Annual Pride Flag Raising Event **Novato City Hall, 901 Sherman Avenue coffee & pastries served8:30 am June 1Topical Thursdays12:30 to 2 pm on zoomWhat’s Pride Mean To You?See topic writeup belowTo join group, find purple Join Group button below June 2Pride Flag Raising **Novato Community Hospital ![]() June 6Grief & Bereavement Groupfor LGBTQIA+ & HIV+ people who have experienced losson zoom only this monthclick here to join the zoom group 7 to 8 pm June 9LGBTQ+ Veterans of the North Bay Quarterly Lunch **Sam’s Place, Novato ![]() ![]() June 10Fairfax Festival Paradewhere hippies & the gay community celebrate together!come march (2 blocks!) with the Spahr Banner!gather at 9:30 behind Good Earthmarch at 10 am June 13Second Tuesday LGBT+ Senior Group at Mgt. Todd Senior Center 1560 Hill Road, Novato ![]() June 14LGBT+ Senior Monthly Mixer **at San Rafael Joe’s ![]() June 14 Welcome Joe Tuohy **Our New Executive DirectorFalkirk Cultural Center1408 Mission Ave, San Rafael5:30 to 7 pm June 15Senior Breakfast Club *at Sam’s Place, Novato ![]() June 17Seniors Learning Together about Our Transgender Friends **at Beth & Lolma’s homefor more information to reserve your spot,contact Lolma at sageconslt@aol.com(limited to 10 participants)1 to 3 pm June 20Games Day *at Sam’s Place, Novato ![]() June 21Bill Jones Book Reading Bachelor Father: The first single manto legally adopt a child in AmericaSausalito Books by the Bay ![]() June 27Women’s Coffee *at Sam’s Place, Novato ![]() June 27Fourth TuesdayWest Marin LGBT Senior Town Hallin-person at San Geronimo Valley Community Center ![]() June 30Men’s Brown Bag Lunchlast Friday of every monthdownstairs at the Spahr Centersemi- ![]() July 16AIDS Walk San Francisco **save the datewatch for more information soonJoin the Spahr Center’s Team!Contact Matt: MEasterwood@thespahrcenter.org July 29LGBT+ Senior Potluck Picnic *Food Fun Games FriendsMiwok Park, Novato * Social Committee event, must RSVP, at least 8 participants required;to RSVP or get on their email list, write to them at socialcommittee@comcast.net ** See flyer below |
To join the Spahr Senior Groupon ZoomMondays, 7 to 8 pm, &Thursdays, 12:30 to 2 pm,click the purple button below the Butterfly Heart or here: |
New participants are warmly welcomed!If you’re zoom-challenged, let me know and I’ll work with you! |
Topical Thursdays12:30 to 2 pm June 1What Does Pride Mean to You?We were born into a time when, as Oscar Wilde phrased it, our love dared not speak its name. We’ve come a long way since then! How do you relate to the idea of pride in who we are? |
Living Room Mondays7 to 8 pm We share with each other about how we’re doing and have unstructured conversations focused on listening from our hearts and deepening community. |
Welcome Joe TuohyOur New Executive Director Join us in a celebration of a new era for The Spahr Center at the lovely Falkirk Cultural Center. Refreshments will be served. And yes, we’re aware this overlaps somewhat with our monthly Senior Mixer. Everyone is invited to participate in both – Falkirk is just a bit further west of San Rafael Joe’s on Mission. Donations are welcome and encouraged – click on the flyer just below. To automatically register without a donation – a senior exclusive! – write to Matt Easterwood at measterwood@thespahrcenter.org. |
Seniors Learning Together This is the perfect time and place for seniors to become familiar with Transgender & Non-binary people and their identities in a safe, small group. Contact Lolma for more information and to register here. |
The Northbay LGBT+ Senior Social Committee has been consistently offering meaningful, fun events for the senior community. Everyone born in any month will be celebrated in that month’s email – including your birthday if you’ll let them know when it rolls around! To sign up for their emails or register for events, click here. You can check out their June birthdays and calendar by clicking here. |
Coronavirus Updates A second bivalent covid vaccination is available to seniors and immune-compromised individuals if you had your first bivalent injection at least 6 months ago. Covid Test Expiration Dates Extended:When the tests were created, a conservative date was assigned because authorities didn’t know how long they would be effective. They are working beyond their original expiration date and have been assigned new ones. You can check on your kits’ expiration date and learn more by clicking here.IF your kit is made by Quickvue, you can search for the updated expiration date here. The Spahr Center has coronavirus rapid home test kits & masks and they are available for free in the office – 150 Nellen Avenue, Suite 100, Corte Madera 94925; 415/457-2487. The office is open 10 am – 3 pm weekdays. Only vaccinated people may come to the office and masks must be worn inside the building. Any staff person can direct you to the kits. This is a great resource we are pleased to offer, please don’t hesitate to get these kits! In order to keep track of new infections, the County asks that we report self-test results here. To see Marin County’s latest pandemic information, click here. The mask recommendations of the Mask Nerd– an aerosol scientist who studies mask effectiveness – are featured in this article and highly informative video. May we all be safe and well! |
Community Notices |
The Spahr Center’s Food Pantry is open to seniors who need support in meeting their nutritional needs. We want to help! Items such as fresh vegies, fruit & meats, eggs and dairy, prepared meals, pasta, sauces, and canned goods are delivered weekly to people who sign up. We strive to do a terrific job in trying to meet the individual needs and preferences of the people we serve. |
Contact The Spahr Center for more information: info@thespahrcenter.org or 415/457-2487Space for your Community Notice here. Email Bill with information at bblackburn@thespahrcenter.org. |
Vivalon Resources for Seniors Whistlestop, now renamed Vivalon, offers many resources for us seniors, now listed in this easy-to-print one-page guide. Access to rides, food, classes, activities, resources, referrals, and more. Membership not required for most classes and services during the pandemic. Some in-person events are being planned. To get Vivalon’s listings, click here. They also provide access to resources including rides for older adults. Please note: there is a 3-week registration process for the ride program so register now if you think you may need rides in the future. Click here for their website. The Jackson Cafe has great specials, a roomy dining room, small tables and big round tables for groups. Open 11:30 to 1:45; $8 for members, $10 for guests, with takeout readily available. You can find their daily changing menu and more information here. |
Building Community in the Midst of Sheltering-in-PlaceSee old friends and make new ones! Join us!The Spahr Center’s LGBT Senior Discussion Groupscontinue everyMonday, 7 to 8 pm& Thursday, 12:30 to 2 pm |