Once upon a time, in a secluded Brazilian fishing village, there lived two young women, dependable Helena and her ambitious younger sister, Belmira. It is three days before Belmira’s wedding, a wedding Helena dreads. The groom should have been hers! During a fierce lightning storm, instead of a net of fish for the wedding banquet, the groom and his future father-in-law pull a handsome, well-dressed man with a bandaged head from the murky Amazon River. Where did the unconscious man come from? Assuming the man fell from his boat, the family tends to him in their home. The bride…Read more here
The River Bride November 3-20, 2022by Marisela Treviño-Ortaoriginal music by Nathan Rieblidirected by Marty PistoneThe River Bride is an emotionally riveting play that blends Brazilian folklore and modern poetic storytelling. It offers a vivid sensory experience underscored by original music in native rhythms.