SoCo Pride Hosts Winter Lights Ice Skating Rink at Courthouse Square
Santa Rosa has put up a beautiful, temporary, synthetic ice skating rink in Courthouse Square, in the heart of Downtown Santa Rosa! Sonoma County Pride will be hosting the ice skating rink on 4 days in December, and will receive the proceeds of our sessions! We need volunteers for 4.5 hours shifts to perform tasks such as checking in ticket holders, monitoring the rink for safety, providing skate rentals to skaters, sharpening and sanitizing the skates, and HELPING SPREAD GOOD CHEER.
What a great opportunity to help Sonoma County Pride and have a Beyond the Rainbow experience in Downtown Santa Rosa! We will be hosting the following dates / times:Dec 17: 3-7pmDec 18: 11am-7pmDec 24: 11am-3pmDec 26: 11am-7pm
*Volunteers must be 14 or older.
*All volunteers must be fully vaccinated.
*Volunteers will be required to complete a waiver.*Have a friendly positive attitude while working with the public.*Enjoy a fun, festive, fast-paced-at-times day outside! Please click on the link below to see what dates and times are available, and to sign up for a shift.