Happening this Month at Marin’s Spahr Center
UPCOMING EVENTS(more info below) November 3o – Women’s Coffee at Sam’s*December 14 – In-Person at Mgt. Todd!** Every Mon. & Thu. – Spahr Senior GroupsEvery Tue. – Trans/Non-Binary Support Grp. * Sponsored by the Social Committee / requires registration / link to flyer linked below for more information** Save the date! More information soon. |
To join the Spahr Senior GroupMondays, 7 to 8 pm, &Thursdays, 12:30 to 2 pm,click the purple button below the Butterfly Heart or here: |
New participants are warmly welcomed!If you’re zoom-challenged, let me know and I’ll work with you! |
Topical Thursdays12:30 to 2 pm November 25 Harvest FeastRecognizing that many of us may still not feel safe to gather together for a meal, we are again hosting a Harvest Day feast on zoom. All are welcome to join us in community at our regular time to celebrate the harvest and the blessings we have. Bring your turkey or tofurkey, vegies and dressings, cranberries with our without orange (make mine without!) – or Chinese takeout or whatever you wish – to your computer-side and share a meal together with the hopes that before long, we can all feel safe in sharing a celebratory meal in the same place. Support Group Mondays7 to 8 pm We share with each other about how we’re doing and have unstructured conversations focused on listening from our hearts and deepening community. |
![]() | I’m writing to introduce Brian Adkins, our new LGBTQ Senior Program Manager who will be working half-time. He is taking on the Friendly Visitor Program, matching trained LGBTQ volunteers with isolated seniors who would appreciate a weekly zoom or phone call in order to build community and connection. |
He will also be reaching out to senior residential facilities to train staff and management in creating a safe, welcoming environment for our people. Brian has most recently worked as an out gay Methodist pastor, fighting within the church to make it a more affirming place for LGBTQ people as well as accepting of queer people as ministers. Prior to that, he worked for the International Rescue Committee and the SF LGBT Community Center. Brian has a great heart and cares passionately for our community and, in particular, Transgender people. He’s very sensitive to the ways organized religion has hurt us. Brian has worked extensively with seniors, loves working with volunteers, and has great organizational skills as well. He lives in San Francisco with his black lab, Waylon. I’m thrilled to be working with Brian, to introduce him to you and to welcome him as part of Team Spahr! |
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The Spahr Center’s Food Pantry is open to seniors who need support in meeting their nutrition needs. We want to help! Items such as fresh meats, eggs and dairy, prepared meals, pasta, sauces, and canned goods are delivered weekly to people who sign up. Contact The Spahr Center for more information: info@thespahrcenter.org or 415/457-2487 | ![]() |
The Social Committee has been consistently offering fun events to offset the boredom of the pandemic. They want to help celebrate your birthday if you’ll let them know when it is. Everyone born in September will be celebrated on September 14th at 4 pm on zoom. They offer a women’s coffee plus a number of times to gather – now in person at Sam’s Place in Novato! – over games, breakfast and conversation. People wishing to attend still must register in advance due to room occupancy limits. To sign up for their emails or register for events, click here. To see their calendar & flyers for November, click here. |
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Vivalon Resources for Seniors Whistlestop, now renamed Vivalon, offers many resources for us seniors, now listed in this easy-to-print one-page guide. Access to rides, food, classes, activities, resources, referrals, and more. Membership not required for most classes and services during the pandemic. Some in-person events are being planned. To get Vivalon’s listings, click here. They also provide access to resources including rides for older adults. Please note: there is a 3-week registration process for the ride program so register now if you think you may need rides in the future. Click here for their website. |
Building Community in the Midst of Sheltering-in-PlaceSee old friends and make new ones! Join us!The Spahr Center’s LGBT Senior Discussion Groupscontinue everyMonday, 7 to 8 pm& Thursday, 12:30 to 2 pm on zoom |
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To Join Group by Video using Computer, Smart Phone or TabletJust click this button at the start time, 6:55 pm Mondays / 12:25 pm Thursdays:Join GroupAlways the same link! Try it, it’s easy! |
To Join Group by Phone CallIf you don’t have internet connections or prefer joining by phone,call the following number at the start time,6:55 pm Mondays / 12:25 pm Thursdays:1-669-900-6833The Meeting id is 820 7368 6606#(no participant id required)The password, if requested, is 135296# If you want to be called into the group by phone, notify Bill Blackburn at 415/450-5339 |
California Department of Aging ResourcesThe CDA has a website that is packed with information and resources relevant to the lives of seniors in our state. From Covid-19 updates to more general care for age-related health issues, access to legal assistance to getting home-delivered meals to help with housing, you may well find answers to your questions by clicking: here. |
Adult and Aging Service’s Information and Assistance Line, providing information and referrals to the full range of services available to older adults, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers, has a new phone number and email address: 415/473-INFO (4636) 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays473INFO@marincounty.org |
Questions? Assistance? We have resources and volunteers for:grocery deliveryfood assistancehelp with technology issues such as using zoomproviding weekly comfort calls to check in on youplus more! Bill BlackburnLGBTQ Senior Program Directorbblackburn@thespahrcenter.org415/450-5339 |