Sebastopol Area Senior Center Offers LGBT+ Seniors Many Services and Programs
HOLIDAY MEAL FREE TO ALLThursday, Dec 2 from 11am – 1pm Your invited to join us to celebrate our annual holiday meal! This year we will be serving YOU. Traditional holiday menu, with vegetarian options too! More info below. Due to COVID restrictions we ask that you do not bring any food to the meal. All of the food is provided and served by the SASC Board of Directors. RSVP required as we are limited in space. Details are on the webpage when you register! |
Did you know ANYONE can become a member at the Sebastopol Area Senior Center? |
![]() Thanks for your support! Pictured here with her mother Zoe. Join TODAY! |
Helping Other People “HOP” Day! ![]() Are you a senior needing a hand with a basic project around your home? Great news, the Sebastopol Area Senior Center and local Service Clubs have partnered to help you! First HOP Day in Sebastopol: Saturday, January 15, 2022! What you need to know:This application is open to seniors aged 60 or betterAll recipients MUST be vaccinated and wear masks indoors when volunteers are present.Applications are accepted year-round; service days are once per quarterBy submitting this application, we cannot guarantee we can complete the project, but we will try our best!Please note there are some projects we cannot complete including anything that requires a permit. Here are some sample projects we can complete for you:changing light bulbschanging simple fixtures around your homeremoving cobwebs or debrishelping with basic yard workany project you can’t do around the house, tell us what it is and we can try to helpPartnered Agencies: Sebastopol Area Senior Center, Gravenstein Lions Club, Rotary Club of Sebastopol, Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise, Kiwanis Club, Soroptimist, Active 20/30 Club, VFW Gold Ridge Post, Sebastopol Grange, Masons La Fayette Lodge #126 Application Process: 1. Senior completes application 2. The Senior Center funnels applications to the Service Clubs 3. Applications are reviewed, approved by the Service Clubs. 4. Applicants are notified. |
THE HARVEST CAFEat the Sebastopol Area Senior![]() Open Tuesday – Friday 11am – 1pm for Lunch $10 for members; $12 for non membersProof of vaccination required.Masks required unless you are sitting down and eating |
VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED!This program is in its 14th year. We now have over 1,400 people who have used our program since we started, with over 40,000 rides to date! You only accept the rides you want. Most volunteers drive twice a month. If you would like to find out more, please contact::Scotty King | Manager of Special Services Volunteer Driver Program & LGTB+ Liaison SASC – 707-829-2440 |
Take part in an Alzheimer’s Prevention Study! The goal of this study is to identify people who may be ‘at risk’ for cognitive decline based a blood test showing a build up of amyloid and tau, the two markers of Alzheimer’s disease in the brain. All costs for all testing/exams/MRIs are covered by the sponsor. No cost to the individual or their insurance company. Eligibility requirements: Age range 55-80Has a normal cognitive exam on a screening (can be done on a computer)Has a positive blood test as noted aboveHas a negative MRI for other risk factors, such a strokes. People who can not get MRIs for any reason are excluded as it is used both for screening and for safety assessments during the studyNo other serious illnessesHas study partner who can help assess any cognitive changes (spouse, friend, adult children, etc.)The study will last about three years. Exclusion:Dementia or cognitive impairmentAbnormal liver function tests on initial screening. The study involves an IV infusion, once a month, for nine months. There is a placebo arm to the study. After the initial nine months, there is tracking for any cognitive decline or side effects for up to three years, using on-line visits about every six months, including the study partner’s assessment of the individual. To find out more information or to sign up, email: Lauren Weber ~ |