The Musers & Late for the Train at Occidental Center for the Arts September 14
Sat. Sept. 14 @ 7:30 pm. The Musers & Late for the Train. Occidental Center for the Arts.! The Musers -Tom Kuhn on vocals/bass/percussion plus singer/songwriters Megan Mclaughlin and Anita Bear Sandwina make up this high energy multi-instrumental trio who can make you laugh, cry or stomp your feet with pure joy. Late for the Train is a San Francisco-based 4-piece modern string band that weaves folk, funk and bluegrass into powerful arrangements of original/traditional music that feels both fresh and familiar. $15 Adv/$19 at door. Fine refreshments, dance space. 707-874-9392. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct. Occidental, CA. 95465. OCA is wheelchair accessible.