LGBTQ Connections Pride Events Continue in Napa ¡Siguen nuestros eventos del Orgullo LGBTQ en Junio!
Last weekend’s Pride kickoff events–Sonoma County Pride parade, festival, park celebration, our youth leaders awareness raising performance, & our Napa sock-hop themed youth dance–were huge successes & so much fun. And the fun continues this week (& all month long)! Los eventos del finde pasado que iniciaron nuestras celebraciones del Orgullo LGBTQ–el desfile del Condado de Sonoma, el festival y celebración en el parque, el espectáculo que presentaron nuestrxs líderes jóvenes para aumentar conciencia, y nuestro baile juvenil en Napa con el tema de la decada de los 50–fueron grandes éxitos y muy divertidos. ¡Y siguen las oportunidades para divertirnos esta semana (y por el resto del mes)! |
Tuesday, June 4:10:15a – 12:00p, “LGBT Seniors Pride Breakfast” at Queen of the Valley Community Outreach, 3448 Villa Lane, Suite 102, Napa (completely free, LGBT seniors)Wednesday, June 5:7:00p, “The Look of Love: Kellie Fuller Sings the 60s” at Blue Note Napa, 1030 Main St, Napa (benefit, all ages)Thursday, June 6:5:00p – 9:00p, “Napa Pride Kickoff at the Q” at The Q Restaurant and Bar, 3900 Bel Aire Plaza, Suite D, Napa (no entrance fee, benefit, all ages)Saturday, June 8:doors, 7:00p, show, 8:00p, “Drag Queens of the Valley Benefit Show” at JaM Cellars Ballroom at Margrit Mondavi Theater, 1030 Main St, Napa (benefit, 18+)Sunday, June 9:doors, 11:00a, show, 12:00p, “Drag Queens of the Valley Drag Brunch Pajama Party” at JaM Cellars Ballroom at Margrit Mondavi Theater, 1030 Main St, Napa (benefit, 18+)Reply to this email or call LGBTQ Connection for questions / Para preguntas responda a este email o llame a LGBTQ Connection: Sonoma County events 707-579-4327 or Napa County events 707-251-9432. |