Occupy Sonoma County Hosts Forum on Trans Rights & Radical Feminism
Occupy Sonoma County Presents
A community conversation with facilitators Bill Say and Debbie Notkin:
Trans Rights & Radical Feminism: An Opening Dialog
Monday, January 14, 5:00-9:00PM
Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401
C0-Sponsored by National Organization for Women Sonoma County and Positive Images
Free (donations welcome!) with healthy snacks provided
This large circle, facilitated exploration event is for activists, LGBTQ+, feminists, radical feminists, trans activists, queers and allies. In an honest and open environment with respectful and supportive facilitation, we will address concerns that have emerged between trans rights activists and radical feminists. We especially invite and encourage members from these communities to attend.
This will be publicized only within the activist and LGBTQ+ community and not to the general public. Please share this invitation within your own circles, groups and newsletters
to invite people impacted by this issue.
Carpools from outside Sonoma County may be available to
encourage participation from the greater SF Bay area.
Bill Say and Debbie Notkin use Process Work, a multi-disciplinary approach to individual, group, and collective change. One of Process Work’s main philosophies is Deep Democracy, the idea
that all people, perspectives, and parts contribute to sustainable solutions.
Bill Say focuses on the intersection of diversity awareness, conflict resolution, leadership, team and
community development. For more information about Bill Say, visit his website at billsay.com
Debbie Notkin uses process work and other facilitation skills in her life and political work in her home city of Oakland, and the surrounding area. She has conducted several successful facilitations for Occupy Sonoma County.
Process Work focuses on the process-oriented facilitation and study of conflicts on all levels of human experience: from the inner dynamics of personality, personal history and psychological conflicts, to the interpersonal conflicts that arise in relationships, families, teams, organizations and the broader human society. Individual and group paradigms on their own can only explain part of human behavior. Process work develops the ability to follow a process between individual, relationship, and group levels of
For more information about Process Work go to processwork.org or processwork.edu/what-isprocesswork
Contact: OccupySonomaCounty.org or call 707-877-6650 (contact through our website is preferred.)
Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing countywide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.