Why I’m Suing Grindr Over Racism
Sinakhone Keodara plans to sue Grindr over countless incidents of racism he has experienced from fellow users on the dating app.
Keodara, a 45-year-old gay Asian man, told PinkNews he has been using Grindr “on and off for several years” and has grown tired of the messages he receives from app users.
Keodara’s claims follow a long-held discussion around racism on Grindr, including queer pop star MNEK who recently spoke out about the app’s launch of a Kindr version.“My experiences have been pretty harrowing,” Keodara explained, after receiving a message the previous day asking: “How hung can an Asian be?”
“That really hurt, I’ve never forgotten that,” he told PinkNews. “It wouldn’t leave my mind that I’m paying $14.99 for this service and why do I have to pay for my own oppression and Grindr is complicit in being a breeding ground that perpetuates racism against gay Asian men?”
Keodara said he regularly sees profiles stating “Not interested in Asians” and “No beans, no rice, no chocolate.”
He plans to sue the tech giant in the hope it will limit the amount of racist messages he is able to receive.
“I’m suing Grindr because they’ve been a breeding ground, perpetuating racism against Asian people, against nlack people, against Latino, against Latin American—you name it,” he explained.

“It’s got to stop. They’ve been allowing this to happen, they’ve been turning the other cheek, for as long as they’ve been in existence.
“I hope the court will order Grindr to redesign their app to eliminate the ethnicity filter on their app that gives users the ability to exclude people based on race.

“This I believe reaffirms racist belief and encourages racist action giving racist gay white men the ability to discriminate against, not just gay Asian men, but against LGBTQ people of colour in general.

“I also want the court to order Grindr to institute a software that monitors and censors racist language in user profiles and chats globally. It’s doable.”
Grindr did not respond to PinkNews’ request for comment.