LGBT Senior Notes and News
The LGBT Senior Steering Committee formed as the outgrowth of our Senior Needs Assessment Lunch in October 2016. The committee divided in two, one group focusing on LBGT social activities and the other on program and service needs and fundraising.
Four LGBT senior luncheons were held at The Marin Yacht Club. The new LGBT Social Committee expanded the format to include music, dancing and a raffle. Committee members are now welcoming new people to be sure everyone feels included.
Nancy Flaxman conducted two cultural competence trainings, one in the spring for Marin County’s Older Adults Department and one in the fall at WhistleStop. Buz Hermes also did a training for an Older Adults conference in June. We also contracted with Buz to lead an eight week workshop on Aging Gayfully.
We are now offering a Senior LGBT exercise group here at The Spahr Center! Group meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Check it out on our calendar