“Out to Kill” Acts Up as Gay Whodunnit
Within a few minutes of the opening sequence of Rob Williams latest gay ‘boy-lit’ drama you know exactly who everybody will be out to kill. Narcissistic pretty boy singer Justin James thinks the world revolves him, and it certainly seems to in this loft apartment complex packed head to toe with insecure gay men in Tampa. Florida. Besides himself there is only one other person who actually likes him as he seems to go out of his way just to annoy everyone else he seems to come across especially if he thinks they want to get into his pants. Well, that is, when he wears them.
It’s quite a relief when he is found floating lifeless in the communal swimming pool and that should be an end to the matter. The Police Autopsy shows that he had overdosed on a cocktail of drugs, except that the story just didn’t ring true with Gene the self appointed ‘daddy ‘ of the building. He suspected foul play and as he had been trying to fix Justin up with Jim a newcomer to their little community who just happened to be a Private Detective, he now employs him instead to discover who killed Justin.
Everyone (except Gene maybe) had a motive to kill this deeply unpopular rather annoying flamboyant man but you really don’t need to be much of a Miss Sharples to work this one out. It’s meant to be a big reveal at the end (don’t worry there are no spoilers here) but you’ll know ‘who did it’ way before then.
There is plenty of eye candy strutting around in Speedos and there is even an orgy scene BUT don’t get too excited as the swimsuits stay firmly one and no-one seems to be doing much beyond necking anyway.

It’s an enjoyable enough romp like all of Williams other movies (‘The Men Next Door’, ‘Role/Play’, ‘Back Soon’ etc) and perfect date night viewing. Maybe even more so if you are harboring any murderous thoughts about your date.
Roger Walker-Dack
Editor-at-Large thegayuk.com / thegayusa.com
Contributor – edgeonthenet.com
Multi-media Reporter – provincetowntv.org
Contributor – edgeonthenet.com
Multi-media Reporter – provincetowntv.org